discerning in Community
There are many things we can discern with certainty on our own. There are other matters of discernment where we turn to community. These are often matters of what is prudent and wise. But community on its own can be nothing more than a consensus of human opinions. Our community must be spiritually discerning.
In matters of wisdom, we bring all of the elements of discernment into our community of believers.
· The community discerns with scripture
· The community discerns the leading of the Holy Spirit
A community of believers who are committed to discerning the leading of the Holy Spirit, provides a safeguard for us from the errors we might make on own. Our individual discernment is strengthened when we choose our community wisely..
1. Choose Your Community
“Blessed is the one who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but their delight is in the law of the LORD, and on this law they meditate day and night.
Simply having the council of community is not enough. There is a lot of bad council out there. So we begin by choosing a community of Jesus’ followers.
John Mark Comer, in Practicing the Way talks about how we are all being formed whether we realize it or not. We are either being conformed to the patterns of this world, or we are being transformed by a different way of thinking.
Scripture tells us that the conforming, or the transforming, happens with the people we choose for community.
“Whoever walks with the wise becomes wise,
but the companion of fools will suffer harm.”
2. Discuss in Community
“The way of a fool is right in his own eyes,
but a wise man listens to advice.”
When inviting your community to discern a decision with you, be open and share your desire and your fears.
· What possibilities excite you? What part of this makes you want to say “Yes”?
· What scares you? What part of this makes you want to say “No”?
These are all perfectly valid experiences. They will be a part of your discernment process, but on their own, they are simply an acknowledgment of your desires and fears.
By discussing your situation with followers of Christ, you have the right community, and the right conversation. Now it is time to invite the Holy Spirit into your discernment.
3. Discern in Community
Gather your community of believers around you and set aside some time for this process.
1. The Person shares their situation for discernment
Share the struggle for discernment. Confess any bias, or confusion, or any temptation to conform to this world. Confess any fear of missing out, or fear of missing God’s best.
2. In prayer, the Community confesses their own bias
In community, we “bear one another’s burden”, and we confesses alongside this person. We also confess our own bias. We confess our temptation to give advice based on our opinions.
3. The Community Offers Prayers of Surrender
Everyone prays the prayer of Jesus: “Not my will but thy will be one.” The Community cannot listen to the Holy Spirit on behalf of this friend if you will first not listen to His word to you.
4. Take 5 to 10 minutes in silence and listening
Allow the Lord to respond to your confession and surrender. Pay attention to the things the Holy Spirit is doing in you.
5. Each person is invited to share what you experienced in the silence
As you each share, take note of any common themes if they come up.
6. The person seeking discernment responds to what is shared. Do they recognise Jesus voice in what has been shared.
This is a posture of discernment that may go on for weeks for months. Discernment is not recipe for instant results. Sometimes the thing that is discerned is the need to be patient is receiving the direction you desire.