In Community
John Mark Comer has written,
“We simply are not meant to follow Jesus alone. The radical individualism of Western culture is . . . a death blow to any kind of serious formation into Christlike love.
From coming together on Sunday for worship to eating a meal around a table to practicing confession . . . community is how we travel the Way, together.” (Practicing the Way p 187)
These three functions of worship, eating meals together and confession also point us to three settings of Community that are important for wholehearted followers of Jesus Christ.
1. The inner circle
A place of confidential trust where we are able to confess our sins and pray for healing. This is your Confessional Community.
2. The home group
The people with whom we regularly share our table. This is your Formation community as you study and obey scripture together, and your Mission community as you extend your table to neighbours.
3. The congregation
This is your Sabbath community. This community has
Things we do: We worship, pray, remember the Lord’s table, practice baptism, and devote ourselves to scripture.
Things we don’t do: We don’t put anything ahead of Sabbath. We keep it holy, set apart.