Pines Bible Camp Work Weekend
Save the date for a weekend of service at Pines Bible Camp. Registration will open on March 16. The cost for the weekend will be $25/person or $50/family. More information to come!
Save the date for a weekend of service at Pines Bible Camp. Registration will open on March 16. The cost for the weekend will be $25/person or $50/family. More information to come!
Mark your calendars for the 2025 Men’s Fishing Retreat! Registration is open now.
Save the dates for this summer’s VBC Shipwrecked: Rescued By Jesus! To sign up to be a leader, contact Liana.
Parents! Drop off your kids for a night out on your own. RSVP to Liana if you would like to participate. More details will be announced closer to the date.
You are invited to celebrate the season with us at our Christmas Eve Service. We will be meeting in the gymnasium at Abbotsford School of Integrated Arts (Sumas) at 4pm.
Join us for a Christmas Dessert Night at 6pm on December 7, all ages welcome! Bring a dessert to share and join us for carols, games, crafts, and fun times together.
Parents! Drop off your kids for a night out on your own. RSVP to Liana if you would like to participate. The next Parents’ Night Out will be on February 7th.
Women’s Ministry invites you to Christmas at the Manger on November 29th @ 6:30pm. You can purchase tickets for $10 on Sunday morning.
We are excited be hosting our annual Family Gingerbuild on Sunday, November 24th at 3pm in the Cheam Room. Please RSVP to liana@mpcc.ca so that we know how many gingerbread houses to have on hand.
Alpha is an open and informal dialogue about faith, the person of Jesus, and what it all means to us today. Whether you come from another faith, or have no faith at all, Alpha is a great place to explore the big questions of life in a safe and inviting community.
Our weekly Men’s Group will begin their meetings on Monday, September 23rd with a wiener roast! From there, they will be resuming their book study of ‘What if Jesus Was Serious’, by Skye Jethani (Chapter 20) in the Baker Room.
An outdoor evening around the campfire to sing, laugh, share and enjoy dessert and hot drinks together. All Ladies are invited. If you need a ride contact Kathy Dyck or Ina Graham.
We are super stoked to be doing our annual youth campout. The weekend will be filled with games, skim boarding, worship, and a few sessions where we will jump into scripture together. It's going to be a ton of fun, be sure to invite a friend!
Our Women’s Bible Study will begin the fall session on Wednesday, September 18th in the Baker Room. More details to come.
Youth are invited to meet up at Cultus Lake Waterpark for a fun afternoon on the waterslides! Twilight passes are $30. If you want to carpool, contact nik@mpcc.ca.
Summer Vacation Bible Camp is coming back this July 22-26. At Cave Quest, your child will explore the rock-solid-foundation of Jesus’ love. Cave Quest is filled with incredible Bible learning experiences that kids can see, hear, touch, and maybe even taste! We’ll be singing, crafting, playing, making friends, and doing all the fun summertime things!
Let’s go camping! Registration is extended for campers in tents or trailers!
Please join us at Northview Church on May 22nd from 7:00-8:30 pm for an evening of celebration! Coffee and desserts will be served while special guest Abi from Primo Tapia, Mexico, and our managing director Erin Santos will be sharing with us. We can't wait to see you and share stories of hope and celebration!
Come enjoy a creative and inspiring evening together with the ladies of Mountain Park.
We want to gather on Good Friday to reflect on the theme of loss. This is one of the mysteries of the Kingdom of God, that laying down our lives brings victory. But that does not mean we do not feel the loss deeply.
Attention all high school students in grades 9-12! Prepare to embark on an unforgettable wilderness escape at SURGE, Stillwood’s annual High School Retreat. Join us for a weekend filled with exhilarating games, heart-pounding worship songs, traditional camp activities, and deepening our understanding of our identities in Christ.
Alpha is an open and informal dialogue about faith, the person of Jesus, and what it all means to us today. Whether you come from another faith, or have no faith at all, Alpha is a great place to explore the big questions of life in a safe and inviting community.
There will be a one day Saturday mini retreat on February 24
Our worship service on Sunday, December 24th be at a special time. Join us at 4pm to celebrate Christmas Eve together.
You are invited to a dessert potluck at Mountain Park Community Church on Saturday, December 16th. Bring a dessert to share, invite your friends and family, and enjoy carols, music, and more.
Pacific Voices - A Family Of Choirs is thrilled to be able to present two showings of our Christmas concert, “SING NOEL, SING HALLELUJAH,” on December 9th, 2023, at Central Heights Church in Abbotsford. Concert showings will be at 2 pm and 7 pm. Early bird ticket sales are available until November 30th.
You are invited to come and ring in the Christmas season on November 23 at 7 pm in the Ministry Center. Enjoy fellowship, hear a testimony, make a holiday table centrepiece, and partake in a delicious hot chocolate bar! The cost is $5 and tickets will be available at church on the following three Sundays: Oct 29, Nov 5, and Nov 12 or register online. (You can e-transfer the church for the ticket cost) Come and enjoy this time together, bring a friend and let’s get in the Christmas spirit!
Mark your calendars for this year’s first Parent’s Night Out – September 29, 5:30-8:30pm at the Ministry Centre. This is an opportunity for you to drop your kids off and have a few hours kid free!! The kids will eat dinner, play, and watch an all-age friendly movie at 8-8:30. Friends are also welcome! Please RSVP to janelle@mpcc.ca by September 24.
Come join us for a great evening of food, fun and fellowship! Please register online between now and Monday, September 18. Hope to see you there.
Where: Meet at the church to carpool to Gary and Bev’s mountain home
When: Friday, September 22, Meet at the Ministry Centre at 6:15 pm and we will car pool together.
Youth are having a camping trip to Rathtrevor Beach. Contact nik@mpcc.ca for details. Online registration is open!