part 1

followers of Jesus DO WHAT JESUS DID


Jesus used meals a safe place for people to encounter God’s Kingdom 

Jesus knew what religious people thought of him and his friends.

The Son of Man came eating and drinking, and they say, ‘Look at him! A glutton and a drunkard, a friend of tax collectors and sinners!’ Yet wisdom is justified by her deeds.
— Matthew 11:19

Notice Jesus response to his critics: “wisdom is justified by her deeds.” In other words, there is wisdom behind all of His eating and drinking. Eating and drinking creates space for people to encounter the Kingdom of God. 

For us to use meals as Jesus did . . . 

We eat and drink with sinners at their table

Levi held a great banquet for Jesus at his house, and a large crowd of tax collectors and others were eating with them
— Luke 5:29

The agenda is very simple. 

  • Accept the invitation, eat and drink with friends. Friendship creates fertile ground for the Kingdom of God. This is the practical manifestation of the second great command, “Love your neighbour as yourself.” 


We eat and drink with believers at OUR table 

They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people.
— Acts 2:46

This is a Home Group. The agenda for this meal is twofold:

  • Eating and drinking with believers creates fellowship, which is a manifestation of Kingdom community. It is over meals that we share our lives with people who love us. We encourage one another to be wholehearted followers. We support one another, pray for one another, encourage one another, and obey the scripture together.

  • We invite our neighbours / friends to be a part of the meal. Share your kingdom community with others. Invite your neighbour to a meal with your home group. Let them experience the richness of Kingdom community in your home. 

(Note that this is not an evangelistic bible study. Meals are important in their own right. Do what Jesus did, and let the meal be enough. We will talk about proclaiming the gospel in an upcoming study.) 

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For Your Spiritual Formation

  1. How many of your neighbours would call you their friend? Do you enter each other’s back yard for a drink, or your homes for a meal? Being invited is an indication that you are considered a friend. What can you do to invest in your friendship with your neighbours?

    Commit to one practical thing you can do in your neighbourhood to be a better friend. 

  2. Do you have a Home Group, whether formal or informal? Do you gather regularly for meals with fellow believers? (It does not have to be for Bible Study) If not, who can you invite into your home to begin creating a fellowship of believers?

    Write down one or two names of who you will call this week. 

  3. What is the rhythm of your Home group? Are you eating together regularly enough to encourage one another in how you follow Jesus? Are you intentionally practicing the “one another” commands of the early church?

    Gather your Home Group and talk about a plan moving forward.

  4. Talk with your Home Group about friends who might be open to joining you for a meal. Think about which of you should host this meal.

    Begin to pray regularly for these friends and plan meals to invite them