Our goal is to make disciples who are able to make more disciples. That means we need to think more about equipping than we are used to. So we are pushing the boundaries, trying new things.


Worship with us.

We meet every Sunday at 10:00am in the gymnasium of the Abbotsford School of Integrated Arts.

Our focus is on worship and transformation - in other words, we work to create settings in which we leave just a little bit different than how we arrived.

Jesus announced a new way of life. He inaugurated a new kingdom, creating a movement based on an economy of generosity and a culture of love. Our world needs a community like that, so we want to become people like that - God’s Kingdom people.


Our Ministries

We believe every follower of Jesus has a story to tell, but that looks different as we grow. Whether you’re 3 or 103, we have a place where others can come along side you and help you grow both in your walk with God, and in learning to tell your story.


Dieter F. uchtdorf

“We came to church not to hide our problems but to heal them.”



Our Team

Lead Pastor

Lead Pastor

Norm joined Mountain Park Community Church in the summer of 2018. Norm has a background in international missions and church planting but his first love is the local Church. He also loves almost every outdoor activity; whether biking, golfing, fishing - any way to enjoy the beauty all around Abbotsford, BC.

Interim Children’s Ministry Coordinator

Liana is Mountain Park’s Interim Children’s Ministry Coordinator. She is excited for the opportunity to serve the community here. Liana has a passion for fitness. She enjoys running, leading fitness classes and playing piano. 

We are looking for staff

Director of Children’s Ministry

We are searching for a new Director of Children’s Ministry. For more information, contact the Lead Pastor. norm@mpcc.ca

Liana Amy will continue to serve while the search process begins.

Office Administrator

Cary is the first friendly face you’ll see when you swing by the Ministry Centre. She provides administrative support to the pastoral staff and congregation. Cary’s hobbies include pottery and training her dog to do silly tricks.


Get Involved


start with Prayer

Discerning the voice of God means that we spend time in listening prayer, both as individuals, and as the MPCC body. Join us each Thursday morning for prayer.

Sign Up For the Ace

The ACE (All Church Email) is a weekly newsletter update with all the announcements at MPCC and a note from our Lead Pastor. You can unsubscribe at any time.

service Opportunities

The MIND of Christ is shaped by sacrifice and service. We encourage everyone to find their place of service at MPCC. You will find that it’s a great way to meet people!

Online giving

Whether you want to give to the overall ministry of MPCC or to a specific cause, you can do it all through e-transfers. It’s easier than writing a cheque.