Missions Applications
abbotsford impact
Every year Mountain Park sets aside funds for the express purpose of helping the poor or needy in Abbotsford. As you see the needs of people around you in your daily influence, we want to encourage you to help them. Often it takes resources that we don’t have, but we don’t want that to be a deterrent. Therefore, we have set up the Abbotsford Impact fund to help support your ministry opportunities.
short-term missions
Is God calling you to a short-term mission – either locally or overseas? If you are, our Missions Committee seeks to equip you to know Jesus’ missional heart for lost and hurting people. It would be a privilege for us to hear from you and pray with you for your next steps!
Long-term missions
At Mountain Park, we believe we are always on mission for Jesus – in our everyday life, in all things both big and small. We are all his disciples, learning to love more people and live more generously as we grow in him. If you are called to long-term missions, we would love to connect with you, to discern with you and support you.